Friday, September 26, 2008

Washington "Poop"tual

After several weeks of speculation, stress, answering FDIC insurance questions and coming home with raging headaches, there is finally a resolution at work. I am now officially employed by JP Morgan Chase Bank and there are a lot of unknowns about the transition that will be worked out in the next 12 to 18 months. For now, my pay remains the same which includes the crappy incentive pay that is due to a business structure that was flawed. I still don't know what the pay structure or incentive package will look like for next year under the new plan put forth by my new employer. Some good opportunities might come forth as I have set myself up well to be promoted to manager soon. I suppose it is just a waiting game now. The positive side of the acquisition is that it is possible I could get a pay raise......still too far off to know anything officially. The other positive is that JP Morgan Chase Bank is a commercial bank and provides training to learn how to do commercial loans (which is what i would need to be a manager of a branch in Montana, if and when it comes to that).

My WAMU stock is now worth $0. All while our CEO got a severance package of $17.5 Million. Also, our interim CEO (for all of 18 days) got an outrageous sum of cash. You can read about that here

I am really looking forward to one month from today when i can take out all my frustrations by shooting rifles at innocent animals in Montana.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Keeping life interesting!

This week has been a very busy one keeping up with Ali. She is all over the place. Yesterday she cruised down the couch, tore magazines apart, banged herself in the head with shelves, walking with her push walker, and  learned some new crazy trick.(She looks like she is trying to do the crab walk backwards) Our little girl is starting to take food, REAL FOOD THAT IS. I wouldn't like all that mashed up crap either. Now that I discovered she can eat crackers she is much happier doing it herself. I know who she is going to act like when she gets older. I am not sure if thats good or bad. She knows what she wants!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Getting in the loop!

We decided to give into the life of the blogs for all those friends and family members who don't get to see us on a daily basis. I am not sure at this point anyone sees us on a daily basis, but we sure try. Our lives have been turned upside down since our treasure arrived. She has brought such joy to our family. For those of you who are not up to date......Tim is working for Washington Mutual. He works so hard for our family to let our dream come true. As of September I  no longer have a job. I am proudly staying at home with Ali to be a full-time Mommy! Being home with Ali over the summer really opened my eyes. She is changing daily and day care is an entire life savings out here. So we made the decision to keep me at home. Ali and I are helping out with the boys one day a week and we love seeing them.  

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!