Monday, November 3, 2008


So far we have been here for 4 days...Tim and my Dad went hunting twice and came back with nothing for us to eat!! Tim enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere with nothing around except animals, trees, and peace and quiet. I am not sure he enjoyed getting up at 4 a.m. to go shoot stuff, but that is all part of the hunting experience. I think they drank enough beer to make up for not bringing anything back.
Ali is still pooping, the story of our life!! We have started some probiotics and some antibiotics. I think they are probably counteracting each other, but we have one more day of the antibiotics. When we get back we are going to get her blood taken and go see a stomach doctor. Hopefully Grandma didn't give her and her Uncle J.T. her bad stomach problems. Ali has enjoyed being in Montana and has put down more crackers then anyone I have seen.

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!