Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tim's Promotion!

Last night Tim found out that he is going to be the manager of the Greenwood WaMu branch in Seattle. I am so proud of my hubby for all of his hard work and dedication to keep our family going day in and day out. I LOVE YOU Timmay!!! Ali says she loves you too!

Promotional Material

Apparently I interview pretty well because I was chosen over 7 other highly qualified applicants as the new Store Manager/Vice President at the Greenwood Branch. I am excited about the new opportunity, but with it comes some negatives. My five minute commute will now be twenty five minutes which means no coming home for lunch. Also, having to work until 6:30 will mean that I won't be home until after Ali's bedtime. I guess that means having to take the most advantage of the weekends and mornings. I am also not looking forward to losing the 3 years of relationship building I have done with customers and staff at Edmonds. Nonetheless, it is a promotion and it is nice to move up another rung on the corporate ladder. As Barack Obama says, "it is time for a change". I hope this change works out for the best.

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!