Thursday, October 9, 2008


We have had one exhausting week around the Schell household......Ali seems to think she can't sleep anywhere. It is getting really bad. She won't sleep in her crib, our bed, only face planted on Mommy's face. We are trying to keep her in the crib, but at 2 o'clock in the morning when you are so exhausted you bring her into bed instead of laying in bed listening to her cry from the next room. It has become this vicious cycle. At least she sings a great tune to us in the morning you can't help but look at her and smile with utter exhaustion. Besides sleeping....I am positive in my mind she said her first word, Dada. Of course I am so excited, but I tried really hard for the last 8 1/2 months to get her to say, Mommy! We went to visit Tim at work and Ali was in the stroller. She heard her Daddy talking to a client and was looking all around. I took her out so she could see him and she looked right over at him and yelled, Dada, Dada. No one besides me believes me. Last night it was her bed time and she was talking up a storm and playing at her table when she let go. Her belly was holding her up, but then this morning she did it again, very carefully, for 5 seconds. I counted without making a seen b/c I didn't want her to fall. When she did she looked up and smiled at me. She was so proud of herself. Ali is no longer scared of the big scary vacuum. She followed me around in amazement this morning trying to turn it on and off.

1 comment:

Aunt Jackie said...

Keep will conquer! Remember who the adult is. Good Luck!

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!

Mommy cut her hair to look Mommy presentable!